The Ballroom at Foxdale Village
Foxdale Village in State College was the scene of the next performance of Cosmopolitan Pianist. This ballroom has a glorious Steinway D with terrific action. It's the ability to play as soft as possible while hearing every note that does it for me with the D.
Famous Tolkien scholar and librarian St Gloriana St Clair
the program covers for this Poets of the Piano tour are a high resolution photograph of a calligraphy piece by Cheryl Jacobsen in Iowa City. the paper is hand-made at the university of iowa center for the book. she also created a 'Gospel of Jesus' for the Jesus Seminar, written on vellum ;and is currently preparing a one-of -a-kind Beowulf with both anglo-saxon and english on historically appropriate goatskin.
this piece i used for the cover, is calligraphy with acryllic and gold leaf highlights.